What is a Biscuspid Tooth? - Hardy Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics

Bicuspid Tooth Definition

Anterior Teeth
June 30, 2022
Dental Notation Meaning
July 6, 2022
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Bicuspids are permanent teeth located between the canine teeth (cuspids) and the molars (molars). Bicuspid teeth are sometimes known as “premolar teeth” since they appear before the molars in the mouth. The crown of a bicuspid tooth has two points or cusps. The prefix “bi” indicates that there are two points. Bicuspid teeth are those that have two tips on the root.

Are Bicuspids Permanent Teeth?

Yes. Bicuspids are permanent teeth that may develop between your rear molars and front canines. The teeth that create a place for bicuspids usually fall out between the ages of 12 and 13. Bicuspids usually come out around this time.

Why Do We Have Bicuspid Teeth?

Because they can bite and chew on a larger surface area, people with bicuspid teeth can consume practically any kind of food. These teeth are particularly significant because they assist the canines and molars in correctly chewing food.

Does Everyone Have Bicuspid Teeth?

Yes. Every individual has a set of bicuspid teeth. Sealants are often applied to a person’s teeth in their early adolescence to minimize the risk of tooth decay by up to 80%. As a preventative step, dentists often prescribe this therapy. People receive their first sealants while they are in their early teens.


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